Plasticosis: New Threat to Birds by Gaspar.F

    In a recent study, scientists discovered a new disease called "plasticosis" affecting wild birds due to plastic pollution. The disease, caused by ingesting small plastic pieces, inflames birds' digestive tracts, leading to scarring that hinders their ability to digest food and survive. With an estimated 30 million tons of plastic waste in oceans and rivers globally, urgent action is needed to combat the pervasive threat of plasticosis and protect our feathered friends.

    The study, conducted by scientists from Australia and the UK, highlights that small pieces of plastic cause inflammation in the digestive tract, resulting in scarring of tissue. The severity of damage was focused to the proventriculus organ, the first part of a bird's stomach, and there was a correlation between the amount of plastic ingested and increased damage to this crucial organ. The tissue of their stomachs heals so rapidly that the tissue scars over the plastic, permanently trapping the ingested plastic. This caused long term effects to their immune system and makes the birds suspectable to parasites and other diseases.  Dr Alex Bond of the Natural History Museum, a co-author of the study, explained the visual nature of birds affected by plasticosis, stating, "While these birds can look healthy on the outside, they're not doing well on the inside."

As we move forward, lets make conscious effects to mitigate our plastic use and improper disposable of plastic items. As we confront the sobering reality of plasticosis, let us unite in the pursuit of a cleaner planet where our birds can fly healthy through the sky.



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